Where Is The Cheese Game - Londji
A massive hit at our team games night, Where Is The Cheese is a super speedy (and hilariously competitive) race to be the first to fill your game card with 10 ingredients. Lay the 80 images on the table, turn over the card and be the first to grab the item you need. The more players the merrier - it all adds to the joyful chaos.
As with anything created by Londji, evening opening the chunky box is a pleasure. The play pieces are made from very thick card and are satisfyingly chunky. Up to 6 can play, but if you share a playing board then up to 12 can play...
For younger players, you can reduce the number of ingredients in play to make it easier, and this can also become a peaceful 1 to 1 activity between parent and child.
- Age 3+
- Material - thick ply cardboard
- box size: