Petit Boum Sensory Ball Set
Unleash the power of play with the Petit Boum Sensory Ball Set. With five balls made from a variety of materials like metal, wood, wool, cork, and cotton, each one provides a unique sensory experience. From different weights and dimensions to temperature and texture, these balls offer endless possibilities for imaginative play
These safe and easy-to-handle balls offer varied sensory experiences, enhancing motor skills and hand-eye coordination. With different materials and textures, this set provides endless possibilities for creative play. The Petit Boum Sensory Ball Set goes beyond motor, visual, and tactile skill development promotes social play and understanding. Roll, bounce, and enjoy a social bond with others while learning cause and effect.
- Age: 12 months +
- Materials: Metal, Cotton, Wool, Cork, and Wood.
- SIzes: Diameters - Metal (9cm), Cotton (8cm), Wool (7cm), Cork (6cm), Wood (5.2cm).